Personal Growth Summary - August 2017


Monthly Rating: 157 / 4
Weekly: 39.25
Daily average: 5.61

Congratulation, First Month accomplished!
Started to work, settled down in a Brighton and everything is back on track.

Project Finished:

  • Built PandaonMars. Started my own Brand!
  • Reviewed Linear Algebra. Highly recommend this series Essence of linear algebra. This guy visualized all 2D and 3D matrix transformation which provides a clear and visual understanding.
  • Python Course, by Codeacademy
  • New job
  • New apartment and roommates, start a new chapter.
  • Everything is going in the right direction.

Monthly Goal


Join one Data Scientist hiking trip.
Join one big meetup(AI, Python relating).
Join one Kaggle competition.


Deep Learning - The Straight Dope, bu Mu Li.
Deep learning, by Andrew Ng.
Essence of calculus, by 3Blue1Brown.
Algorithms and Data Structures, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, 40%.
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python, by BM and DR, 50%.
One web crawler with python project.
Marcia funebre sulla morte di Luigi van Beethoven, Op. 146, written by Carl Czerny.

Energy Management

Important first and plan ahead.
More than 3 hours on All Productive Time, Less than 1.5 hours on All Distracting Time.
Play tennis less than four hours/week.
HIIT/Stretch and meditate in the morning and evening.
Read books on Kindle.
Reduced body weight from 176 to 172lb, waistline from 88cm to 84cm.

Things Need to Improve

  • Important FIRST
  • Make more DETAILED plans

A Few Thoughts

While thinking about how to write monthly summary, I noticed my flaws.

  • I have a long-term goal – becoming a data scientist, but short-term goal is not clear enough, which breaks the rule – make detailed plans. Thus, I added monthly goal in the summary.
  • Set the goal, review it and analyse why I achieved or not. Find out the real reason according First Principle, that’s the most important thing.

It is the first step that costs troublesome, but I already started sailing.

Winter is coming :P. I used to turn into hibernation mode during winter time, but this time I want to try if I can keep my energy level as high as in summer. Consider this as my goal in the winter.